What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutritional Therapy is a complementary medicine which applies the latest nutrition science to promote health, peak performance and individualised care.

Nutritional Therapy has evolved using the Functional Medicine model, which focuses on treating the root causes of ill-health, rather than simply addressing symptoms.


This model is scientifically based, and looks at the whole body to identify potential imbalances which may be the underlying cause or contributing to your symptoms and health issues. All of the systems in our body are fundamentally connected and if one begins to malfunction, it can have a knock-on effect on the other systems, and overtime can cause chronic health issues.


As a Nutritional Therapist, I recognise that each person is an individual with unique requirements. For this reason, each plan is totally personalised and I do not use a one-size-fits-all approach. I use an array of tools to assess an individual’s potential nutritional insufficiencies and deficiencies and how these may contribute to the person’s health concerns. 



During our consultations I will listen to your concerns, assess how your body is working as a whole, and identify any underlying imbalances which have led you to your current health challenge. We will then work together to address these through a bespoke and sustainable diet and lifestyle programme.

I don’t follow the latest fad diets, I’m no chef and I can’t bear complicated recipes with impossible to obtain ingredients. I’m all about easy, quick and wholesome meals, along with a balanced lifestyle. You can expect well researched, evidence-based and personalised nutrition support that is sustainable and specific to you.


N.B. I will never recommend nutritional therapy as a replacement for medical advice and always refer any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional. I also work alongside medical professionals and will communicate with other healthcare professionals involved in the client’s care to explain any nutritional therapy programme that has been provided.


How a Nutritional Therapy consultation works:

Before we meet, I will send you a health questionnaire and food diary to complete and return 2 working days before our consultation. The initial consultation will take 90 minutes and we will agree on your health goals, explore your medical history, current health issues, any medications, your food and sleep diary, your lifestyle and stress levels. After the session you will receive a personalised health plan with recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes.


Follow up appointments:

Once a program has been created and implemented, a follow-up appointment is recommended 4 weeks after the initial consultation with support consultations beyond that time if needed. Follow ups take 60 minutes.


Testing and Supplementation:

Although I will always begin with a ‘food first’ approach, sometimes I may recommend laboratory testing such as stool analysis, hormone, genetic or nutrient profiles. These can provide particularly useful information including diagnosing nutrient deficiency, and imbalances related to digestive function or hormones. I also use nutritional supplements where appropriate.


Please note that purchase of tests and supplements are optional and at additional cost.

